Image by Markus Spiske from Unsplash
Deadline for proposals for #OER18 has been extended
Edited by Kristina
November 15, 2017 11:44 am
The deadline for proposals for #OER18 has been extended to midday GMT, 27 November 2017, see https://oer18.oerconf.org/call-for-proposals/.
The 9th Open Educational Resources Conference, OER18: ‘Open to All’, will be held from 18 to 19 April 2018 in Bristol. The conference themes for submission this year are:
- How can open practice and research support learner success?
- How does Open Education foster learner diversity and support inclusivity?
- What skills do learners need and develop in experiencing open learning?
- Politics in action – (following up from #OER17) – what are your latest initiatives in support of learning and growth?
- How is OER learning from, and contributing to, other open activities, e.g. open science, open source, open data, open access etc.?
- Wildcard – what do we need to include? What have we ignored?
You can find further information and the link to the submissions system here: https://oer18.oerconf.org/call-for-proposals/.