The funding line is designed with two pillars at its core (Surmann, 2017):
- The development of a central information website, which provides high quality information about OER to the interested (professional) public
- The development of the required skills to use, develop and distribute OER in the course of 21 train-the-trainer-projects.
The programme covers multiple educational sectors, starting from an existing comparative strength in the school sector, preparing a breakthrough of OER in the higher education sector and opening the door for OER in the field of vocational and adult education. At the same time, the programme provides the German federal and state governments with the opportunity to gather more experience of practices and potential around OER, so that future policy-related interventions can be prepared.
It is interesting to note that the OERinfo funding programme works well, no matter what future political decisions related to OER might look like. If there is a decision to step deeper into OER, OERinfo is a perfect starter for the wider programme. However, even if policy engagement remains small, OERinfo still makes sense, since the various awareness-raising activities and opportunities for knowledge exchange will arguably increase the number of people using OER platforms and tools.
Moreover, this nexus approach is fruitful for implementing change management (Cerna, 2013; Figgis et al., 2007) and builds particularly on the open practice philosophy fostered within the OER space.
The presentation will offer a review of the outcomes made possible through this open practice approach to supporting implementation of OER in different educational settings and make recommendations for other countries based on the German experience.
Cerna, L. (2013). The Nature of Policy Change and Implementation: A Review of Different Theoretical Approaches. OECD Publishing. Retrieved from Nature of Policy Change and Implementation.pdf
Figgis, J., Butorac, A., Clayton, B., Meyers, D., Dickie, M., Malley, J., & Mcdonald, R. (2007). Advancing equity: Merging “bottom up” initiatives with “top down” strategies. National Centre for Vocational Education Research Australia. Retrieved from
Surmann, C. (2017). Open Education und Open Educational Resources – Deutsche und Europäische Policy im Überblick. Fachmagazin Synergie, (3). Retrieved from
Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. (Ed.). (2016). Praxisrahmen für Open Educational Resources (OER) in Deutschland. Retrieved fromür-OER-in-Deutschland_Online-1.pdf
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