The implementation of Wikidata in the curriculum therefore presents a massive opportunity for educators. A Wikidata assignment allows students to develop their understanding of, and engagement with, issues necessary in today’s digital economy such as: data completeness; data ethics; digital provenance; data analysis; data processing; as well as making practical use of a raft of tools and visualisations. The fact that Wikidata is also linked open data means that students can help connect to & leverage from a variety of other datasets in multiple languages; helping to fuel discovery through exploring the direct and indirect relationships at play in this semantic web of knowledge. This presentation will provide an example of this real-world application of teaching and learning as part of a Data Science for Design MSc and how Wikidata can enable insights in a variety of disciplines; be it in open science, digital humanities, cultural heritage, open government and much more.
Tony Coughlan joined the session Wikidata in the Classroom [1927] 6 years, 11 months ago