OER research activities in Germany recommend the construction of a distinctive virtualcentre where teachers and adult learners can find, store, process and communicate digitallearning materials particularly for the adult education sector.In 2015 the Bertelsmann Stiftung commissioned a group of OER and adult education expertswith identifying the state of knowledge about OER in adult education and analyzing itspotentials, resulting in a Whitepaper.Methods: Analyzing literature, projects and OER activities and compiling in a reviewedreport.Results:- Discussion about benefits, chances and practical use of OER has only started- Lack of digital learning and teaching materials- OER could support the public funded adult education through legalized use/reuse ofdigital sources.- OER as a part of new digital developments offer the chance to improve the access toeducation (see Bacsich 2015, p. 41ff).In 2016 the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) commissioned afunded feasibility study concerning OER infrastructures on compulsory and universityeducation, vocational training and adult education assessing the need and the acceptance ofa technical infrastructure for digital learning and teaching materials as a nationwide service.Methods: literature reviews, guided interviews with experts, presenting and discussing thecompiled results in workshops, improving the concluding report in a feedback process.Recommendations (see Falconer 2013, p.4):- Knowledge about OER and its advantages has to be extended.- The digital developments in learning cause a substantial need for digital learningmaterials. OER can make an important contribution here.- The technical environment has to be improved in public funded adult education.Based on the results of the feasibility study the BMBF offered since 2017 a funding line topromote OER and support initiatives in different education sectors. The project OERinfoworks cross-sectional and connects the funded projects as well as the OER community.During several OERinfo-funded Barcamps the identified results were presented anddiscussed within the adult education community to develop further the idea of a virtualcenter of open learning materials.Briefly following requirements were elaborated (see Bacsich 2015, p. 41ff):- A guide through the abundance of sources is required easy to find- Quality and applicability is essential open to use- Learner and teacher should be a part of the creating process supporting inclusivity- Support through politics is essential policy, funding
Session goals:- Overview of current discourse in Germany focused on adult education- Discussing the idea of a virtual centre for open learning materials
References (partially German)
Bacsich P. (2015): Adult Education and OER. Brussels I. (2013):Overview and Analysis of Practices with OER in Adult Education inEurope. Luxembourg Education Server (2016): Feasibility Study about Developing and Running OERInfrastructures for Education in Germany. Frankfurt/Main information hub for Germany: OERinfo (2017)https://open-educational- OER in Adult and Further Education (2015) – Survey and Potential Analysishttp://open-educational- OER-Weiterbildung-2015.pdf
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