#OER18 share your session promo poster and other photos
For the last couple of years we’ve had some wonderful artwork shared by delegates (see material from OER16 and OER17). Following a suggestion from one of our committee member’s, Anne-Marie Scott, we’ve setup a crowd-sourced photo repository for OER18 at https://oer18.oerconf.org/media/. Photos can be uploaded, tagged with appropriate usage license and description, and then added to a public image gallery. As well as uploading photos prior to OER18 there is an opportunity to share pictures during and after the event. We’ve also created a ‘Session Flyer/Pub.’ category so if you can create some eye-catching images to help promote your session or even some general conference publicity.
About the OER18 photo site
The photo site is created with TRU Collector a WordPress Theme which is one of the many SPLOTs* developed by Alan Levine (@cogdog). Alan is presenting at OER18 on #ResNetSem as an Experimental Transformation of the Research Seminar and there are a number of SPLOT fans also attending/presenting at OER18 including a session by Lucas Wright and Brain Lamb.
*SPLOT – Smallest/Simplest * Possible/Portable * Open/Online * Learning/Living * Tool/Technology